Determing the best layout for a web site could possibly be a difficult task. You’ll have to explore template websites and check out thousands of corresponding styles to find the one you enjoy the most. We’ve aimed to find a solution for you by incorporating a library of cost free design themes in the Hosting Control Panel, which are accessible together with each of our cloud hosting packages. It includes over 800 special web site templates to choose from. A lot of them are made for Splash Broadcasting’s hosting solutions solely and are not presented anywhere else. Every theme comes along with automatic installation and can be personalized the way you like.

So, here you can acquire a fresh, exclusive and fully customizable website within a few clicks.

800+ Cost Free Design Themes

Completely customizable. Automatic Setting up

With Splash Broadcasting, you will find a offering of over 800 cost free design themes, bundled straight into the Control Panel. This will save you many hours in browsing third–party theme websites to search for the perfect theme for your site. Now you will have your template right out the Control Panel.

The cost free design themes are available with our Easy Site Installer and our Cost Free Website Creator. Each one of these tools works with its very own variety of themes, so you are able to verify both and decide on the best overall look and feeling for your web site.

Free Website Themes

Cost Free Web app Design Themes

Get cost free design themes for your forthcoming web application

If you’re going to build a Joomla web site or perhaps create a brand new Wordpress blog, we have a solution available. With the Web Applications Installer, you can pick a cost free design theme when setting up your web site. Our clever system will set up the template instead of you and from the moment your web site is live, it is going to showcase the web site template you have chosen.

The cost free design themes are not confined to only Joomla or WordPress. We’ve got cost free design themes for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Cost Free Site Builder Design Themes

100+ totally easy to customize cost free design themes

Using the Cost Free Website Creator, you can actually build your next web site without spending a dime, and never have to spend a penny on web development. You have at your disposal more than 100 different web site themes, available in distinct layouts as well as color schemes and which you can edit and personalize as you desire.

It’s not necessary to be familiar with anything in relation to HTML or CSS in order to alter the look and feel of the web templates. Your able to use the built–in manager to undertake all the work. If you’ve utilized a text–editing program, you will have no issue using the services of the editor.

Free Site Builder Themes