The Splash Broadcasting File Manager
Put aside FTP clients using our File Manager

We give you a drag’n’drop File Manager, which features a variety of handy instruments like an inbuilt image viewer and a range of file editors. You can make fast uploads, archive/unarchive files, adjust permissions and considerably more. The tools are well–organized and very easy to get through with big action buttons and right–click context navigation. Consider the various apps and functions built in the Splash Broadcasting File Manager.
Drag ’n’ drop file uploads
The easiest way to upload files
Posting data files with an FTP tool is an outdated and really insecure way for moving files from your desktop computer or notebook to a web server. By reason of this, we have included drag & drop file publish support in the File Manager. Simply pull the data files that you want to add from your desktop computer into your web browser and they’ll start to upload in your web hosting profile over a safe SSL connection.
You don’t need to set up any additional software package, browser add–ons or applications. The drag–and–drop functionality performs just as well on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Right–click context menus
Find out the whole set of easily accessible file control possibilities with merely a click of the mouse
Thanks to the right–click menus we have integrated in the File Manager, you can revise all of your files incredibly easy. Click on a file or folder and from the panel that will show up, opt for the action you want. You can rename, copy, move, download, edit, preview, archive, unarchive and delete virtually any chosen file. When you click on a folder, you will also view the option to establish a different sub–folder or file inside it.
Whenever you select numerous files or folders, it’s possible to apply the exact same measures for all of them concurrently.
Archive/Unarchive files
Take care of archives with merely a mouse–click
The File Manager provides a built–in archive/unarchive option that can assist you upload huge archives and extract them in to your web hosting account in seconds. The moment compressing a file or folder, it is possible to decide on the name for the archive that is to be created plus its extension – .ZIP, .RAR or .TAR.GZ. Additionally, it will be easy to compress existing folders or files with a mouse–click.
The archive/unarchive option provided by the File Manager helps you to use huge files straight from your Hosting Control Panel. No need to make use of any third–party software for instance an FTP client in order to upload a big file in your hosting account or to download an archive to your desktop.
Online file editors
Change files directly from your Hosting Control Panel
From the File Manager it is easy to revise your files directly on the Internet when using any of the built in software instruments. The text editor reveals the files in a plain text format, the code editor features syntax displaying for your .PHP or .JS files, and the WYSIWYG editor helps to see all the modifications as they appear live. Furthermore, all changes you create and keep are going to be displayed immediately online, so you can preview them inside your Internet browser and go back to make further modifications, if unsatisfied.
There is no need to download your files, to change them in your personal computer and to re–upload them back into your account. Each of the editors are accessible through the buttons at the top of the file table or at the right–click context menus.
A logical folder structure
All of your files structured with a user–friendly way
The File Manager shows all files and folders using a simple to comprehend alphabetical order. The whole set of files associated with the various hosts are sorted into different folders that are referred to as following their individual domain names, which means you can easily identify them. This really is useful in controlling a great number of web sites at the same time. There’s no opportunity to get lost or to feel really bewildered amidst the many data files and directories in your website hosting account.
To reach the files within a host, just select it from the drop–down options menu near the top of the file table. Alternatively, you can double–click on its folder and you’ll be instantaneously taken to a table showing its files exclusively.
A user–friendly interface
A File Manager developed for people
The majority of web File Managers are slow and pretty difficult to employ. They feature constrained options and generally aren’t really intuitive. We hope to transform that through the Splash Broadcasting File Manager. It was created to be practical and to look like an item you know – the File Manager on your desktop.
All of its attributes, the drag’n’drop file upload options, the right–click context menus, the integrated file editors, etc. are available for a single purpose – to make managing your site(s) more convenient.
Work with multiple files
Modify various files all at once
When using the Splash Broadcasting File Manager, you’ll be able to choose a wide range of files or folders precisely like you do on your desktop machine or laptop. Just keep pressed the Control (Command for Apple’s Mac OS) key and then click the desired files/folders. Or, to choose a good amount of files/folders at the same time, click on one file/folder, press the Shift key and then click any other file or folder.
Once you have chosen the whole set of files that you’ll require, you can easily drag them into a pre–selected directory, or use the right–click context menu to see a list of the available activities.
1–click password protection options
The easiest method to protect your details
Password protection is the best solution to reduce the means to access a selected part of your web site that you don’t need to be visible to everyone. For instance, this can be a safe and secure members’ area or, perhaps a location with copyrighted data that you would like just specific individuals to access.
From your File Manager you’re able to password–secure your website or a selected folder inside it with merely a mouse–click. Just right–click a directory, pick Password Protection and fill out your user name and also password. It is not necessary to address .htaccess files or to try to make any extra adjustments. In the future, only the visitors which have your username and password will gain access to your website.