Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting
Our cloud hosting packages include a detailed knowledge base where you can find info about all the complications that you may possibly confront and their resolutions. You can acquaint yourself with how to create and manage a mailing list, how to use an .htaccess file, or how to continue if the settings of your mail client are accurate, but you are not able to send email messages, for instance. We’ve made every effort to be as comprehensive as possible and to cover all possible options so as to help you save time and efforts and to present you with different solutions for each and every issue. The knowledge base contains educative articles as well – both general ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will inform you about the functions and features of the Hepsia Control Panel. You can find articles that are dedicated to particular functions and features in every section of the Control Panel, while if you’d like to see the full article archive, you should visit the all-inclusive Help section.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated servers include a comprehensive article archive where you can find any info that you may require about our hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we’re using. We have created it based on the feedback that we’ve obtained from our customers through the years and, as a result, our articles cover particular issues that you might experience and present the most efficient way to resolve them, for instance getting a 500 Internal Server Error message or being unable to send emails from your PC although you have the right settings. The articles are available in every single Control Panel section and you can examine them at any given moment. They can help you expand your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the web hosting field as a whole, as they include exhaustive instructions and general information such as what file access permissions or cron jobs are.