InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL databases, which is used by well known open-source script-driven web apps such as Joomla 3.x and Magento. It’s perfect for scalable apps, as it performs really well when managing large data volumes. Instead of locking the entire table to enter new information into a database as many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can process a lot more operations for the same length of time. Additionally, InnoDB offers a faster database failure recovery and supports database transactions and foreign key constraints – a set of rules that specify how data inserts and updates should be handled. If a particular operation hasn’t been fully completed for any reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the content in the database will remain safe and sound and won’t be partially mixed with newly imported content.

InnoDB in Cloud Hosting

While InnoDB is either not available or a paid upgrade with many web hosting providers, it is included in the default set of services that we are offering with our cloud hosting plans. In case you would like to make use of a PHP-powered application that requires InnoDB particularly, in order to be activated and to perform properly, you will not experience any impediments since the database engine is available on our custom cloud hosting platform. Regardless of whether you create a brand new MySQL database and install an application manually or use our one-click app installer instrument, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our system as the default engine if the specific app needs it instead of MyISAM. Besides the amazing database crash recovery that InnoDB is offering, we also keep regular backups of all databases, so that we can easily restore any database in your shared account.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages come with InnoDB and you’ll be able to use all the features offered by this database engine with any PHP-based software app that needs it. It is among the engines that we have on our cloud platform, so the one that will be selected depends on the prerequisites of the respective app. You won’t have to do anything manually to activate InnoDB, because it will be set as the default engine whenever you install an application – whether manually or using our 1-click application installer. To be on the safe side, we’ll generate regular database backups, so if anything goes wrong after some update or if you erase some content accidentally, we will be able to restore the database the way it was on any of the past 7 days.

InnoDB in VPS Hosting

All Linux VPS hosting packages that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel come with InnoDB pre-installed, so you’ll be able to run any PHP script-based software app that needs the database engine without having to activate anything manually. You can select Hepsia on the VPS order page and your new server will be ready within one hour, so you can log in and begin building your sites right away. Once you create a brand-new database and begin the app activation process, our system will select the engine for that database automatically. Thus, you can run different applications at the same time without configuring anything on the Virtual Private Server. You can set up a WordPress-driven personal weblog that makes use of the default MySQL engine – MyISAM, and a Magento-powered online shop that uses InnoDB, for example.

InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting

InnoDB comes by default with all Linux dedicated servers hosting packages ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It is an essential part of the default software bundle that we install on all Hepsia-managed servers, so once your physical machine is assembled, you will be able to log in and to activate a various PHP-driven software app that needs this particular MySQL database engine. When you set up a new database via the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any active engine until you start installing an application. As soon as the app setup wizard begins importing data into the newly created database, the engine will be picked automatically based on the prerequisites of the respective app, so you can use both MyISAM and InnoDB without the need to select either one of them specifically at any time. Therefore, you can use a broad collection of applications for your sites.